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Kompaniya nomi
product natural white marble tile leaf shape polished surface mosaic tile for bathroom kitchen backsplash wall hotel shower-47
Bosh sahifa>Marmar
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower

Tabiiy oq marmar plitka barg shakli Hammom oshxona Backsplash devor mehmonxona dush uchun sayqallangan yuzasi mozaik kafel

Tabiiy oq marmar plitka barglari shakli sayqallangan sirt mozaik plitka, GGL-da bizning marmar kollektsiyamizga ajoyib qo'shimcha. Ushbu kafellar yuqori sifatli oq marmardan puxta tayyorlangan bo'lib, hammomingizda, oshxonangizda yoki mehmonxona dushida murakkab muhit yaratish uchun mukammal bo'lgan zamonaviy va zamonaviy ko'rinishni taqdim etadi.

Silliqlangan sirt silliq va o'ychan qoplamani ta'minlaydi va har qanday makonga nafislik hissini qo'shadi. Barglar shaklidagi dizayni mozaikaga noyob va ko'zni qamashtiruvchi elementni qo'shadi, bu esa devor va backsplash ilovalari uchun ajralib turadigan tanlovdir.

Mahsulot tavsifi
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface <a class='inkey' style='color:blue' href=''>Mozaika</a> Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower details
Mahsulot nomi
Tabiiy oq marmar plitka barg shakli Hammom oshxona Backsplash devor mehmonxona dush uchun sayqallangan yuzasi mozaik kafel
Oʻlcham yoki shakl buyurtma boʻlishi mumkin
Qog'oz sumkasi + kino himoya qilish + yog'och kassa, 5pcs / qog'oz sumka, 72 qog'oz sumkalar / yog'och kassaCapacity
1000m2 haftasiga
Yopiq devor bezak, hammom, oshxona, yashash xonasi, ochiq qavat.
Kichik sinov buyurtmasi xush kelibsiz.
Mahsulot Tafsilotlari
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower factory
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower factory
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower supplier
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower factory
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower factory
Mahsulotlar tavsiya
Boshqa mahsulotlar
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower supplier
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower factory
Kompaniya profili
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower manufacture
Xiamen Good Luck Qurilish materiallari Co. Ltd. Biz ishlab chiqarish ixtisoslashganSuv jeti mozaikasi , Mosaic Tiles,marble tile and Granite products etc for many years. We enjoy the high reputation in this industry. GGL locates is in Shuitou-Stone Capital of China.
Global Omad (GGL) birinchi navbatda sifat va birinchi navbatda kredit maqsadiga rioya qiladi. Fan va texnologiyalar korxonani jadal rivojlantirmoqda. Zamonaviy ishlab chiqarish uskunalari korxonani rivojlantirish uchun asos, balki ulkan korxona kuchining guvohi bo'lib xizmat qiladi.
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower factory
Bizning afzalliklari
1.OEM. ODM .
juda faol ishlab chiqarish 2.As, biz deyarli har oy yangi dizaynlashtirilgan ishlab chiqish.
3.Professional savdo xizmati.
4.Design, hujjat, Savdo xizmati keyin sifat barcha jamoa ish.
5.Javobni targ'ib qilish, HD rasmlar, bepul namunalar, eshik eshik xizmati va boshqalar.
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower details
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower details
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower supplier
Tekshirish tizimi

Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower details
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower supplier
Biz bilan bog'laning
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower factory
Tabiiy oq marmar plitka barg shakli Hammom oshxona Backsplash devor mehmonxona dush uchun sayqallangan yuzasi mozaik kafel
Tabiiy oq marmar plitka barg shakli Hammom oshxona Backsplash devor mehmonxona dush uchun sayqallangan yuzasi mozaik kafel
Tabiiy oq marmar plitka barg shakli Hammom oshxona Backsplash devor mehmonxona dush uchun sayqallangan yuzasi mozaik kafel

Bepul tirnoq oling

Yaqin orada bizning vakilimiz siz bilan bog'lanadi.
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