Ikseb Kwotazzjoni Ħieles

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hexagon shape marble with brass waterjet mosaic tile-47
Id-dar>Irħam Mix Brass
Hexagon Shape Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Hexagon Shape Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Hexagon Shape Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Hexagon Shape Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Hexagon Shape Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Hexagon Shape Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Hexagon Shape Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Hexagon Shape Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Hexagon Shape Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Hexagon Shape Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Hexagon Shape Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Hexagon Shape Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile

Irħam forma eżagonali bil-madum tal-mużajk brass waterjet


Nirrakkomandalek unikuMużajk tal-Waterjet tile. Using Calacatta gold stone as the base color, mixed with other stones, inlaid with 
ram tad-deheb, u mqatta' f'forma eżagonali unika.
Il-ġebla fiha taħlita unika ta 'vini tad-deheb u kulur bażi abjad. Kemm id-dehra kif ukoll is-sensazzjoni juru sens artistiku qawwi. Id-deheb
ir-ram isfar jitqassam b'mod ugwali fih, jiddi b'luster sħun u qawwi, u jżid mas-sens high-end tal-prodott u jġib
esperjenza moda u lussuża.

This multi-material waterjet mosaic tile, with its unique design and high-quality materials, inlaid with golden brass, 
jinterpreta perfettament is-seħer tal-arti.
Whether it is used as decoration in the living room, bathroom walls, or floors, it can add excellent visual effects 
għall-ispazju u ttejjeb l-istil u t-togħma tal-intern kollu.

Ikseb Kwotazzjoni Ħieles

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