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luxury design pattern marble with brass waterjet mosaic tile-47
Heima>Marble Mix Brass
Luxury Design Pattern Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Luxury Design Pattern Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Luxury Design Pattern Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Luxury Design Pattern Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Luxury Design Pattern Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Luxury Design Pattern Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Luxury Design Pattern Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Luxury Design Pattern Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Luxury Design Pattern Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Luxury Design Pattern Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Luxury Design Pattern Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Luxury Design Pattern Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Luxury Design Pattern Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile
Luxury Design Pattern Marble With Brass Waterjet Mosaic Tile

Lúxus hönnunarmynstur marmara með kopar Waterjet mósaíkflísum

13                Við kynnum Calacatta hvíta steininn blandað kopar mynstur vatnsþota okkarMósaík tile . It has unique decorative effect and artistic value.The whiteness of calacatta white marble mix brass set off each other, and the color matching is simple and elegant, which can add a luxury and artistic sense to the space.

13Gildir um alls kyns rýmisskreytingar eða baðherbergisvegggólf, getur gert allt rýmið bjartara og viðkvæmara. Náttúruleg áferð Calacatte hvíta marmarans og áferð koparefnisins renna saman til að gera skreytingaráhrifin ríkari og þrívíðari.Hentar fyrir ýmis rými innandyra, svo sem stofu, svefnherbergi, baðherbergi, eldhús o.fl. Í bakgrunnsvegg stofunnar, bakgrunnsvegg svefnherbergis rúmsins og önnur svæðisbundin notkun, getur orðið þungamiðja rýmisins, aukið skraut alls rýmisins Grade.

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