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Heim> Basketweave mósaík
Honey Onyx Marble With Black Dots Basketweave Shape Mosaic Marble
Honey Onyx Marble With Black Dots Basketweave Shape Mosaic Marble
Honey Onyx Marble With Black Dots Basketweave Shape Mosaic Marble
Honey Onyx Marble With Black Dots Basketweave Shape Mosaic Marble
Honey Onyx Marble With Black Dots Basketweave Shape Mosaic Marble
Honey Onyx Marble With Black Dots Basketweave Shape Mosaic Marble
Honey Onyx Marble With Black Dots Basketweave Shape Mosaic Marble
Honey Onyx Marble With Black Dots Basketweave Shape Mosaic Marble
Honey Onyx Marble With Black Dots Basketweave Shape Mosaic Marble
Honey Onyx Marble With Black Dots Basketweave Shape Mosaic Marble

Honey Onyx Marble With Black Dots Basketweave Shape Mosaic Marble

Hunangs Onyx Marmari Með Svörtum Dottum Körfuvefja FormMósaíkmarmara

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Kannaðu Hunangs onyxMarmara mósaíkpláta!

Hinn skýri ljós gula litur gefur manni hlýjan og göfugan tilfinningu. Hann hefur áferð sem sameinar árhringi og hvítar línulegar handahófskenndar mynstur. Áferðin er skýr og björt, og hefur sterka skreytingaráhrif.

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Sambland ljósgulra og svarts skapar skarpa andstæðu og skapar sterka sjónræna áhrif. Hin fágæt vefjaform sameinuð einstöku ferkantaða samsetningarmynstri færir náttúrulega og einstaka listalega andrúmsloft í rýmisinnréttingu.

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