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 iridescent glass mosaic for wall decoration and pool tile-47
Heima>Gler mósaík
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile
 Iridescent Glass Mosaic for Wall Decoration And Pool Tile

Iridescent gler mósaík fyrir veggskreytingar og sundlaugarflísar

Iridescent glass has a magical color-changing effect, changing to different colors at different angles and in different light.

Mósaík is a mysterious artistic color. It adds style and fun to life and space.Glermósaík eru fjölhæfir skreytingarþættir sem samanstanda af litlum, líflegum glerhlutum raðað í mynstur eða hönnun til að auka sjónræna aðdráttarafl. Með ýmsum stærðum, gerðum og litum bjóða þessar flísar upp á endalausa hönnunarmöguleika og finna notkun í fjölbreyttum stillingum

Glermósaík inniheldur litríkt gler, steinglermósaík, steinglermósaík, mósaíkflísar fyrir allan líkamann o.s.frv. Allar gerðir af gljáandi, mattum, slípuðum eða matt yfirborðum og áhrifum fela í sér heitt bráðna, vatnsdropa, bleksprautuprentara, leysir, handpappír, tumbling o.s.frv.

Við notum glermósaík til að sýna öðruvísi fegurð hans og litríkt ferðalag.

Mismunandi hönnun, litir, stærðir og lögun agna eru öll skreytingar á litríkum.

Different designs, colors, sizes and shapes of particles are all embellishments of colorful.

Frá hönnunarsjónarmiði bjóða glermósaík upp á breitt úrval af litum sem henta ýmsum inni- og útirýmum, allt frá mjúkum hlutlausum til djörfs bjartra.Ljómandi gler hefur töfrandi litabreytandi áhrif, breytist í mismunandi liti í mismunandi sjónarhornum og í mismunandi birtu. Til dæmis, í útisundlaug, undir sólinni, mun hvert glerstykki brjóta sinn einstaka lit, glitra eins og töfrabrögð og bæta einstakri fagurfræði við alla sundlaugina.

There are many options for its size and shape, including square, long strip, round and wavy, etc. We can design different sizes and shapes according to different needs.

Það eru margir möguleikar fyrir stærð þess og lögun, þar á meðal ferningur, löng ræma, kringlótt og bylgjað osfrv. Við getum hannað mismunandi stærðir og gerðir í samræmi við mismunandi þarfir.

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