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product natural white marble tile leaf shape polished surface mosaic tile for bathroom kitchen backsplash wall hotel shower-47
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower

Ubin Marmer Putih Alami Bentuk Daun Ubin Mosaik Permukaan Dipoles untuk Kamar Mandi Dapur Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower

Memperkenalkan ubin marmer putih alami bentuk daun ubin mosaik permukaan yang dipoles, tambahan yang menakjubkan untuk koleksi Marmer kami di GGL. Ubin ini dibuat dengan cermat dari marmer putih berkualitas tinggi, menawarkan tampilan ramping dan modern yang sempurna untuk menciptakan suasana canggih di kamar mandi, dapur, atau kamar mandi hotel Anda.

Permukaan yang dipoles memberikan hasil akhir yang halus dan reflektif, menambahkan sentuhan keanggunan ke ruang mana pun. Desain bentuk daun menambahkan elemen unik dan menarik pada mosaik, menjadikannya pilihan yang menonjol untuk aplikasi dinding dan backsplash.

Deskripsi Produk
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface <a class='inkey' style='color:blue' href='https://www.gglstone.com/mosaic'>Mosaik</a> Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower details
Nama Produk
Ubin Marmer Putih Alami Bentuk Daun Ubin Mosaik Permukaan Dipoles untuk Kamar Mandi Dapur Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
ukuran atau bentuk dapat disesuaikan
Kantong kertas + Perlindungan film + Peti kayu 5 pcs / kantong kertas, 72 kantong kertas / peti kayuKapasitas
1000m2 per minggu
Dekorasi dinding dalam ruangan, kamar mandi, dapur, ruang tamu, lantai luar ruangan.
Pesanan percobaan kecil dipersilakan.
Rincian produk
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower factory
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower factory
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower supplier
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower factory
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower factory
Merekomendasikan Produk
Lebih banyak produk
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower supplier
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower factory
Profil Perusahaan
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower manufacture
Xiamen Good Luck Bahan Bangunan Co, Ltd. Kami mengkhususkan diri dalam memproduksiMosaik Waterjet , Mosaic Tiles,marble tile and Granite products etc for many years. We enjoy the high reputation in this industry. GGL locates is in Shuitou-Stone Capital of China.
Global Good Luck (GGL) mematuhi tujuan kualitas pertama dan kredit pertama. Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi mengembangkan perusahaan dengan penuh semangat. Peralatan produksi yang maju adalah dasar untuk pengembangan perusahaan, tetapi juga saksi kekuatan perusahaan yang tangguh.
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower factory
Keuntungan kita
1. OEM. ODM.
2.As manufaktur yang sangat aktif, kami mengembangkan desain baru hampir setiap bulan.
3. Layanan penjualan profesional.
4. Desain, dokumen, layanan purna jual QC semua kerja tim.
5. mempromosikan tanggapan, foto HD, sampel gratis, layanan dari pintu ke pintu dll.
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower details
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower details
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower supplier
Sistem inspeksi

Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower details
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower supplier
Natural White Marble Tile Leaf Shape Polished Surface Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Kitchen Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower factory
Ubin Marmer Putih Alami Bentuk Daun Ubin Mosaik Permukaan Dipoles untuk Kamar Mandi Dapur Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Ubin Marmer Putih Alami Bentuk Daun Ubin Mosaik Permukaan Dipoles untuk Kamar Mandi Dapur Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower
Ubin Marmer Putih Alami Bentuk Daun Ubin Mosaik Permukaan Dipoles untuk Kamar Mandi Dapur Backsplash Wall Hotel Shower

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