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calacatta red marble slab for interior decorative and floor wall countertop-47
Calacatta Red Marble Slab for Interior Decorative and Floor Wall Countertop
Calacatta Red Marble Slab for Interior Decorative and Floor Wall Countertop
Calacatta Red Marble Slab for Interior Decorative and Floor Wall Countertop
Calacatta Red Marble Slab for Interior Decorative and Floor Wall Countertop
Calacatta Red Marble Slab for Interior Decorative and Floor Wall Countertop
Calacatta Red Marble Slab for Interior Decorative and Floor Wall Countertop
Calacatta Red Marble Slab for Interior Decorative and Floor Wall Countertop
Calacatta Red Marble Slab for Interior Decorative and Floor Wall Countertop
Calacatta Red Marble Slab for Interior Decorative and Floor Wall Countertop
Calacatta Red Marble Slab for Interior Decorative and Floor Wall Countertop
Calacatta Red Marble Slab for Interior Decorative and Floor Wall Countertop
Calacatta Red Marble Slab for Interior Decorative and Floor Wall Countertop

Calacatta rød marmorplade til indvendig dekorativ og gulvvæg bordplade

Calacatta RødMarmorplade for Interior Decorative and Floor Wall Countertop

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En perfekt fusion af luksus og elegance - Calacatta Red Marble Slab!

Det har en delikat tekstur, speciel farve og naturlig tekstur, som kan bringe en romantisk, elegant og unik kunstnerisk atmosfære til rummet.

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Den elegante lyserøde tekstur, som en drømmende silketråd, er vævet ind i stenen, som om det er et mesterværk omhyggeligt tegnet af naturen. Uanset om det bruges til vægdekoration, gulvbelægning, bordplader, spiseborde osv., kan det forstærke den ædle og elegante kunstneriske atmosfære.


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